Reality Capture – State of the Industry – Recent Developments and Trends


John Russo

John Russo

CEO, Architectural Resource Consultants

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2025
  • 12:00 PM EST

In this webinar John Russo from ARC will present the current state of the industry and current trends in reality capture and laser scanning.

This webinar will cover the technology side, side of reality capture and laser scanning. In a further webinar in February we will explore trends and developments relative to to the application, of reality capture techniques and the integration into the design, pre-construction, construction, commissioning and facility management aspects of a project.

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How Reality Capture is Creating Value and Impacting Design, and Construction Workflows in 2025

12:00 PM EST. Wednesday, February 19, 2025

This webinar will cover the uses of construction phase laser scanning on large and small projects, and the practical steps taken to add value on these jobs of various size.This …

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